The Art of Digital Painting
by Ford Weisberg

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'Ford, Using Photoshop Sans Photos'

An article by Keith Loria about my Solo exhibit at the Mamaroneck Artists Guild.

It was 10 years ago when Ford Weisberg developed an interest in photography and the computer software that was available to create digital art. Over the last decade, he has mastered the skill and is not afraid to show so in his newest solo exhibit, "The Art of Digital Painting," at the Mamaroneck Artists Guild.

"I have been an artist practically since I was born, and I drew throughout my young life, but as I got older, I concentrated on music," said Weisberg, who formally trained in classical music at Queens College Conservatory. "When I discovered a love for photography, I very quickly got interested in the software that photographers were using and I started using it on its own to create art independent of photographs. That's the art that I call digital painting, and that's what I do now."

In creating his digital prints, Weisberg uses software that assimilates real media, and combines it with others that do not, mixing and matching them for a variety of different emphasis.

"I start with a blank canvas on the computer, using a tablet with a pressure sensitive stylus, so you can say I am actually drawing and painting on the computer," he said. "My working method ends up determining what my work looks like.

Just like the surrealists and abstract expressionists before him, Weisberg enjoys playing with the colors and shapes, and automatic drawing, until things suggest themselves on the screen.

"I end up having a dialog with the picture as it's developing," he said. "The artists of the past who have influenced me start to come into play and I get lost in doing this and it begins to take place."

MAG Director Suzanne Montresor has seen an increase in photographers using Photoshop and other programs to create art, but believes that Weisberg's collection is something unique.

"He has a very vivid imagination, and it reminds me of aliens from outer space and landscapes, like maybe the moon's surface," she said. "The color is wonderful and the work is beautiful."

About 24 works are included in his solo show, with half printed on paper and half on canvas. The paper photos are mounted, matted and framed, while the canvases are gallery-wrapped and look like real media paintings. While Weisberg admits that the art in its most perfect state is in a digital file on his computer, he knows that they need to be printed out for others to enjoy.

"Things I do end up falling into two categories: one is something that's really textural and then I have another kind of art that looks very smooth and highly graded from one color to the next and one value to the next, such as from light to dark," he said. "I think they have different implications and mean different things to me. For me, the textures have to do a lot with this earthly life and the other exists on a more timeless plain."

"The Art of Digital Painting" opened March 2nd. There will be an artist's reception on Saturday, March 6, from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. The show runs until March 20.  

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  » Jan 13, 2025  



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